Create Your Own Conscious
Conversations of Consequence
Art-Activist Series eBooks
and Discussion Guide
Can Art Change the Way People Think about
Their Own Health and that of the Planet?
Yes, It Can.
It is why Ruth Westreich has developed an eBook and Discussion Guide for Creating Conscious Conversations of Consequence. To create your own conversation and intergenerational dialogue about the art and issues presented in the book, download the eBook and companion Discussion Guide below.
Want to Be a Change Maker for a Better World?
Click the Image to View the Book
Does this Body of Work Inspire You to Want to Learn More?
This Activist Art series has already inspired deep and meaningful intergenerational dialogue – including in groups with highly divergent and opposing opinions. It provides a means for conversation leading to change – in how people think about their own health and how it is inextricably tied with the health of the planet we all live on.
Artist Ruth Westreich developed this eBook and discussion guide as a tool to support dialogue about issues of import. Through art, the written word and Haiku, this eBook offers powerful imagery and words to convey the challenges to personal and planetary health we collectively face – including the human and environmental costs of pollution, the degradation of biodiversity, and the influences and imbalances of political and social power within societies, government and corporations.
The companion Discussion Guide uses the art and the themes it presents to
generate your own dialogue and action items to be a change maker.
Click on the Image Below to Download the Companion Discussion Guide
to Create and Participate in an Intergenerational Dialogue
Request an Accompanying Card Deck

Start an Intergenerational Conscious Conversation of Consequence with colleagues, communities, students, networks and family with these thought-provoking discussion topics. We’d love to give you the gift of a card deck to assist you in starting these vital conversations.
Please fill out the form below to request a card deck.