We Inspire, Connect, & Support Planetary Change Through Art, Science, & Dialogue.
Two Views, One Vision
Our new e-book, Two Views, One Vision, is part nature photography, poetry and commentary on what lies beneath the seemingly pristine United State landscape. Almost every region of the country photographed in this book is experiencing environmental degradation and toxicity brought on by man’s intentional or unintentional, putting profits before people and our planet.

Stay informed
by trusted facts.
Be equipped
to make simple changes.
Impact change
to the planet and your health.
The Westreich Foundation is dedicated to:
- Giving the underheard a voice.
- Supporting art, media and research to create awareness and educate.
- Challenging dominant government and industry narratives with independent research and investigation.
- Facilitating gatherings and Conscious Conversations of Consequence for all ages to engage and take action for change.
What We Do
At the Westreich Foundation, we love people who grab our attention and make us think differently about issues that affect how our food is grown, how our planet is cared for, how our health is impacted and how day-to-day information and scientific discoveries provide guidance for good decision-making.
Who are these people? You may not have heard about them – but we have – and we want you to know about them too. Our purpose is to support people who have dug deep into the science and facts to take big chances for affecting changes in our environment, our health, supporting science and informed media information. We take the time to get to know them and elevate their causes to make our here-and-now and the future a better place.
Why We Do It
Over time, we’ve learned a big lesson with the work we do – planetary health and human health are interconnected. The enormity of what we face can seem like big overwhelming issues.
What We Support
Learn more about the Westreich Foundation’s commitment to facilitating open dialogue about human and planetary health through art, science and dialogue. The Westreich Foundation believes that through the intersection of art, science and intergenerational dialogue, we can move beyond the societal and political entanglements that interfere with planetary and personal health. They are inextricably linked.
For this reason, the Westreich Foundation funds and connects organizations with a passion for: personalized health and health choices, the welfare and education of youth, restorative farming and organic agriculture, discovery science and independent investigative journalism. By supporting, engaging with and elevating the work of these passionate people and groups, we are encouraged that their work will result in an exponential impact that can be scaled for dramatic changes in human and planetary health.
“Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Areas of Impact
At the Westreich Foundation, we talk dirt, a lot. Not the kind of dirt you dish out (OK maybe occasionally), but the kind of deep, dark rich soil necessary to grow nutrient-dense organic food. Problem is, because of poorly managed farming practices and the dominance of industrial agriculture, our modern farming systems have destroyed our once fertile soil – there just isn’t enough fertile and biodiverse soil to grow nutritious food and protect our climate.

We must have a healthy, thriving planet if we are going to have personal health. This means that just as we strive to create a healthier planet, we strive to raise awareness and support creating health and mitigating disease. For decades now, the Westreich Foundation has supported practitioners and organizations that study and find the root causes of illness, understand whole-systems health and believe in the body’s innate ability to heal. Our loyalty to the work of pioneers and breakthrough protocols in this area has led to new discoveries about personalized lifestyle health and health creation.

While the rigors of scientific evidence about our planet and health are critical, a vast amount of important research never makes it through the gauntlet of public relations and media marketing machinery. It is why we get excited about supporting the people whose rigorous research helps brings forth new discoveries and technological for 21st century personalized health.

Friends and Colleagues of the Westreich Foundation
Without commitment to change ... we can expect:
An increasingly unstable future
Profound losses in the quality of our food
Poorer health for you and your family
Continued decline in planetary health
Three steps to become a change maker

Get Educated

Act on a Solution

Impact the World
Conscious Conversations of Consequence Art Series

Art for Change